The Eternal Struggle...
...Pirates VS Navy! Become a part of it now!

Radioactive Navy
Law and order, that's what the Navy is all about.
You want to belong?
Sink the mangy pirates!
The Navy has ships of the Schooner, Brigantine and Galleon classes.
Sunken Navy ships have a Loot Chest on board which you can take with "E" (Claim Booty).
All Navy ships have an additional ammo box which can be soldered.
Brigantine and Galleons can also transport CargoRacks.
These can be collected and looted!
They can contain all common and also very rare resources!!!
Navy attack the pirates whenever they can!
They will not rest until they or your opponent lie at the bottom of the sea!
Radioactive Pirates
Looting, pillaging and no respect for the law, that's the pirates of Radioactive!
You want to belong?
Sink the fucking Navy!
The pirates owned ships of the Schooner, Brigantine and Galleon classes.
Sunken pirate ships have a Loot Chest on board which you can take with "E" (Claim Booty).
All Navy ships have an additional ammo box which can be soldered.
Brigantine and Galleons can also transport CargoRacks.
These can be collected and looted!
They can contain all common and also very rare resources!!!
The pirates attack the Navy whenever they can!
They will not rest until they or your opponent lie at the bottom of the sea!
Standing system
Each player, starts with standing 0 (Neutral) with both factions.
While you are at Standing 0, neither faction will attack you unless you fire first.
If you want to "reset" your standing, you can purchase a pardon for gold at the Freeport.
The standing goes from -1000 to +1200 and works as follows:
+500 can be achieved simply by sinking ships, for example! +1200 only through the quest system!
Destroying planks/sails/etc.:
-5 standing with the faction you are attacking, +1 standing with the other faction.
Attacks in general:
Attacks will buff you and your ship/crew/animal for 10 minutes, making you a target no matter what your standing with the faction is at the time.
Quest system
The faction with a positive attitude will offer you quests.
You can pick these up in Nassau at the respective "camp" of the faction.
Depending on the difficulty, you will receive a reward and additional reputation with the faction for completing quests

You can share quests with others...
...with up to 3 other players, regardless of whether they belong to your company or not!
Although the task scales somewhat with the number of players, it is always easier together!
Go to a player who belongs to the same faction and offer him the quest via the radial menu!

Viewing Standing
In inventory:
You can check your standing at any time in the inventory, you will find a scroll there, which you can not remove like your compass, this contains all the current info about your standing.
On a ship:
Ships "copy" the standing of their captain and are treated accordingly when there is no captain at the helm.
You can see the standing on the right side of the screen in the form of the Navy & Pirate logos, which color accordingly.
Red = Hostile
Green = Friendly
Normal (White) = Neutral
Loot system
Quality of the lot:
Much of the quality of the loot is controlled by our standing system, this accounts for ~50%! So if you loot with bad standing, you don't need to expect anything great.
The loot is completely independent of the ship class!
Bad standing also has a negative impact on the loot!
NPCs / Crew:
The larger the ship, the more NPCs you can get.
The level, however, is random, which is why even Schooners can be more rewarding than Brigantines or Galleons with a little luck.
Principle applies:
When hunting pirates, the higher your standing with the Navy, the better your loot will be, and of course, the lower your standing with the Navy, the worse it will be!
When you hunt the Navy, the higher your standing with the pirates, the better your loot, and of course, the lower your standing with the pirates, the worse your loot!
What is the Navy or the Pirates?
The Navy and the Pirates are real NPC ships, including sails, planks and everything!
Is the Navy/pirates aggressive?
The Navy and Pirates will attack and pursue player ships, but only if your standing or that of your ship is negative or if the factions have recently been in combat.
Does the Navy/pirates attack anchored ships?
No, not unless you already had the aggro before.
Can Navy & Pirates Sail Against the Wind?
Similar to players, the Navy/Pirates must use the wind to move forward.
Can I immobilize the Navy/Pirates by destroying their sails?
I hit the Navy/Pirates but the life bar doesn't change?!??
The Navy/Pirates function like a player ship, only losing life when water enters the ship.
Can the Navy/Pirates repair planks and sails?
Yes, damaged planks start autorepair after a short time, missing planks and sails are replaced after some time. Here the same rules apply as for players, means damaged planks start with low HP and autorepair.
How do I recognize the Navy/Pirates?
The Navy has a randomly generated name, which is completed with Radioactive Navy and the level.
The same goes for the pirates, this one is completed with Radioactive Pirates!
Both ships have special logos on their ships (the above)