Stable Filter Options:
You can now use several arguments to search! These are separated from each other with a comma!
Available new filters:
Gender -> Gender:Male/Female
Saddle -> Saddle:Yes/No
Age -> Maturity:Baby/Juvenile/Adolescent/Adult or a number e.g. 80 (in this case we display everything that is > than 80% growth
Mating Cooldown -> Mating:Ready/Time (you can write the time like a normal time, e.g. 12:00 for 12 minutes, 2:00:00 for 2 hours etc.)
Health -> Health:/HealthWild:/HealthTamed: followed by a number
Stamina -> Stamina:/StaminaWild:/StaminaTamed: followed by a number
Oxygen -> Oxygen:/OxygenWild:/OxygenTamed: followed by a number
Weight -> Weight:/WeightWild:/WeightTamed: followed by a number
Food -> Food:/FoodWild:/FoodTamed: followed by a number
Melee -> Melee:/MeleeWild:/MeleeTamed: followed by a number
Special characters:
Uses ! to invert an argument
Use >,>=,<,<= to refine the search
I am looking for my available breeding females (bears) that no longer have a mating cooldown
Filter: Bear,Gender:Female,Cooldown:Ready
I am looking for my babies that I want to let grow up further
Filter: Maturity:!Adult
I am looking for my male to breed:
Filter: Bear,Gender:Male,Health:20,Melee:26,Stamina:>20
- Snap point for Flexible WaterPipe added
- Nameplate added
FigureHead Rework:
- 6 new FigureHeads added!
Decorative trees:
- Only need 1/5 of the fertilizer to grow up
- No longer need fertilizer or water after growing up
Unique Living Myth:
- Reward error found & fixed
Alchemical Coal:
- Is now produced automatically in the alchemy workbench