Patchnotes: Iceberg ahead!

Patch notes:

These are found in the polar and occasionally the tundra, but can of course find their way to adjacent, warmer regions.

Icebergs are moving objects that drift slowly through the grids, they can be easily reached with a swimming character, due to their slow speed.
On contact with ships, they cause damage (similar to ramming a sandbank).
The damage depends on the speed.

Icebergs cannot be blocked, they can push away a Galeon with ease.

Besides the ice, which can be mined from the iceberg with metal pickaxes, rare resources can also be found on them!
You can find the following types of wood:
You can find the following types of Thatch:
Dry Leafs (7th kind of Thatch)
You can find the following stone types:
Granite, Tillite (7th type of stone)
You can find the following types of flint:
Basalt, trachyte (7th flint variety)
You can find the following types of metal:
Copper, nickel (7th metal type)

Up to 500 ice can be extracted from an iceberg before it is destroyed.
If an iceberg is destroyed, the resources on it are lost.

The following can also damage Icebergs:
Cannons & other explosive projectiles: 10% damage
Fire of any kind: 5% damage
Metal pickaxe: 40 Dmg / blow
Melee & other weapons 0 Dmg to very ineffective.

Sink rate reduced by 75%.

Living Myth:
When mining you get Leafs in addition to Darkwood, which counts as a fiber resource!
Mining now only possible with pickaxe or axe
Mining respects bonuses (Axe more Darkwood, Pickaxe more Leafs)
Mining with tools is now much faster.
New check so that Living Myth does not spawn underwater (hopefully)

Kraken V3:
Loot table adapted to own system
Blueprints for Ship ResourceBoxes can be dropped now

Decay System:
With this update, ships now also decay after the corresponding inactivity (as do structures & animals). They will also be logged under #?decay-warnings-and-logs⚓ in the future.

Sleeping bag:
New methodology for deleting it so it doesn't remain on the map as an icon.

Black Mist:
Now drops max level NPCs (130).

Buccaneers now replace SOTDs.
Privateers appear as Sloops & Schooners. Galleons rarely appear and give the success of the 50s SOTD Galli.
They are clearly recognizable by their red sails with the Buccaneer logo (anchor).
They sink about 2x as fast (except for the Galleon) as normal Pirate & Navy ships.

Navy & Pirates:

  • Front torpedoes no longer shoot at neutral or positive standing!
  • If an NPC is at the helm, the standing of the last captain counts, you are no longer automatically enemy of both factions.
  • Performance improvement of the queries.
  • Pirate torpedo ships now also have side torpedoes

Blueprint Max & Min Crafts adjusted for:

Cannons (Large & Ship)
Gunports (Medium & Large)
Decks (Small, Medium & Large)
Planks (Small, Medium & Large)

Loot Changes:

  • Pirates & Navy drop 100% blueprints
  • Buccaneers drop 50% finished parts
  • All 3 factions no longer drop ammo in the actual lootchest (the ammo boxes in the Navy & Pirate wrecks are still there).
  • Loot from privateers floats on the surface the wrecks disappear when looted from them.
  • Loot from Torpedo Gallis optimized!

Shipwrecks of NPC factions:

  • Disappear automatically after 30 minutes

Sources for NPCs:
Black Galleon: Guaranteed Max Level (130)
Navy/Pirate Torpedo Galleon: up to level 130 (guaranteed high amount!)
Navy/Pirate Galleon: up to level 130
Buccaneer Galleon: up to 90
Navy/Pirate Brigantine: up to 90
Navy/Pirate Schooner: up to 72
Buccaneer Ships: up to 68 (quantity: same as Brigantine)

Other Fixes:

  • Unicorn babies give buff more like wild unicorns
  • Fixed a bug where you could make or get a Standard Warehouse.

Haunted Ocean Chest:
AI now targets all ships equally (Galleons are no longer targeted preferentially).
Fixed dependencies to Grapeshot ship loot.

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