Decay of structures / animals / ships
All structures, animals & ships that have not been rendered by the owning company for 12 days will be marked with a red hammer, this is a warning that these objects will soon decay.
If the 14-day threshold is then exceeded, the corresponding objects are deleted from the game.
All decays as well as the warnings will be posted in the Discord under: #decay-warnings-and-logs recorded.
You can view these at any time on a daily basis!
Decay markers
Please note that decay markers (warnings with the red hammer) do not disappear until the server is restarted, but this is not a problem if you have visited them in the meantime.
Vacation / Absence?
If your whole company can't play for a certain time (e.g. vacation) you can create a ticket and be added to the exceptions list.
Please note that this does not prevent a claim that has not been rendered for 10 days from being stolen in PvE.
Please also note that animals can still starve to death and ships could sink due to wear and tear on the planks.
So take precautions before you go away!
Special regulations
For the following islands there are special regulations, which you should absolutely consider.
Please note also regulations on these islands, the decay regulations support them, but are by no means a free pass e.g. for permanent parking and daily render!!!
Nassau & Other Cities
Ships & animals in cities disintegrate if they have not been rendered by the owning company for 48 hours.
Ships are given a debuff that causes them to expire after 3 days, even if they have been rendered!
You can remove this debuff by changing the grid!
Powerstone Islands & Yeti Cave
Ships & creatures on these islands disintegrate if they have not been rendered by the owning company for 48 hours.
Ships are given a debuff that causes them to expire after 3 restarts, even if they have been rendered!
You can remove this debuff by changing the grid!
Structures disintegrate after every restart.