RadioactiveArk Mod


Miniature converter

Here you can make the mini variants of Grinder, Forge and Replicator from the large vanilla variants. Simply choose in the miniature converter between large and small variant. The perfect solution for those who need more space in their base. Can be made from Lvl 75.

Saddle Manufacturing Bench

There is now a way to make your flying dinos faster! You can make speed saddles that give your flying dinos 25% or 50% more movement speed. You can craft them at the workbench starting at Lvl 80. This is also where all the saddles for the hybrids are crafted.

Advanced Chemistry Bench

The Chemistry Bench is a very special chemistry bank that you need to create certain chemicals and create new improved items and substances. It is also an important component in the creation of the genetic hybrids. You can craft them from level 80.

High Tech Fabricator

In this Fabricator you have the possibility to create all the special devices and cables that are needed for mutation research. You can also create special weapons and armor in this fabricator. Can be made from level 100.

Mutation Research System

Genetic Workbench

In this workbench you have the possibility to extract DNA from dinos and thus create very special new dinos. Can be made from level 100.

Fusion generator

The generator is needed to power the Research Station. Runs on an extraordinary fuel and converts it into another usable resource. But beware if you stand too close without the proper protective clothing you may burn your fingers. Can be made in the High Tech Fabricator.

Research Station 

In this station you can research your mutations for hybrids and increase the mutation chance with a special antielement. Can be made in the High Tech Fabricator.

Mutation Research

Mutation research has already been mentioned a few times. But what exactly does it do and how does it work? If you want to learn a little more and let yourself be spoiled a little bit then you are exactly right here.

Off to research

Special potions & items

Reaper Luring Pheromone

The Reaper Luring Pheromone is a substance produced in the Advanced Chemistry Bench and designed to attract Reaper Queens from the underground. But beware: as soon as you ingest this potion, you are close to death and a wild Reaper Queen appears in your immediate vicinity. However, you can't use the potion while sitting on an animal. So you should not drink it at home in your base or in any other base.

Wyvern / Griffin Speed Stone

A magic stone that gives your Wyvern a speed bonus of 50% for as long as she wears it. Just put it in the costume slot and off you go. Your skins that were created by us and that you bought in the admin store can also still be used. You can now switch between a normal variant and a variant especially for the Wyvern stones. To do this you have to use the skin in your inventory with E. You can see which variant you have by the symbol at the bottom right. Can be made in the Saddle Manufacturing Bench.

Wake Up Potion

Give this to your animal when it is unconscious and you do not want to wait for it to wake up on its own. Thanks to the ingredient neostigmine, by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, it stimulates the tone of the skeletal muscles and thus sends an impulse that makes the animal wake up immediately. Unfortunately, this still causes side effects that cause the animal to receive a threefold increase in damage for 10 minutes. So think carefully when and where you use this drink.
Manufacturable: Advanced Chemistry Bench

Phoenix Creation Detergent

A mysterious essence lies dormant in this potion, through which your Argentavis is reborn as a Phoenix. Since this potion requires a lot of energy, the rebirth only works from level 240. Inside the Argentavis now thrives in a flame inferno a Phoenix, which burns your Argentavis from the inside. The newly born beast is still young and wild and must now be tamed by you to be able to call him your own.
Manufacturable: Advanced Chemistry Bench

The following items and additional potions can be made in the Advanced Chemistry Bench and are needed to create new items....


Carbondisulfites (S2C)
Phosphoric Acid (H3PO4)
Silicic Acid (SI(OH)4)
Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4)
Sodium Hydroxide (NAOH)
Phosphoric Acid (H3PO4)
Elemental Acid
Hydrochloric Acid (HCL)

special materials

special Coal
Extracted Hemoglobin
Treated Fiber
White phosphorus
Improved Leather
Refined silicon

Watering hole

Speed Drug

Hardskin Drug

Deamon Drug

Mega Deamon Drug

Speed Increasing Drug


The Spyglass shows the stats of animals and can be made in your own inventory. The Handsfree variant can be used while holding weapons or other objects in the hand.

Carbon armor

A lightweight yet durable armor, with high armor value, that gives you a set bonus of 20% to speed and weight. Made in the High Tech Fabricator.

Reusable Grappling Hook

You can use this carbon reinforced grappling hook unlimited times. It is also manufactured in the High Tech Fabricator.

Construction helmet

manufacturable in R table. 250% weight but only 50% HP while wearing. Only 1 durability and therefore also only usable for building!

How do you generate DNA and create a genetic hybrid?

1) To create the DNA for a hybrid, you need the DNA of some dinos as the main ingredient. To get this DNA, you have to make a special potion in Chemistry, which has to be brewed especially for each dino. The required sulfur dioxide for this potion (SO2) is obtained as a by-product from the production of coal in the Advanced Chemistry Bench.

2) Feed this potion to the corresponding animal. Attention: it will not survive. But this is the only way to obtain the required extracted blood. With this blood you can now produce the required DNA in the Genetic Workbench.

3) Combine this DNA with the other required items and DNAs to create the Hybrid DNA. Once you have successfully done this, you can now create the desired hybrid egg. An empty egg in various sizes, as well as many of the required materials, can be produced in Advanced Chemistry.


...the CURRENT level of the dinos, which you use for the production of the DNA, has influence on the level of your hybrid. That means: The better the dinos, the better the corresponding hybrid. The minimum level is 175, so no matter what level your starting animals are, your hybrid will be at least 175. The maximum level is 240, so even if the average level of your animals is higher, your hybrid will not exceed this level at birth. If the average level is between these values, your hybrid will be born according to this level.

For Super Hybrids, the average level of the Dinos used must be 280 to get a Max Level (240) Super Hybrid.
 For example, you need 4 dinos to make the hybrid. The levels are 120, 200, 300, 220, so the average is 210, which is the level of your hybrid.

Our hybrids


The Akumu - your worst nightmare. From the dark shadows he comes up, with the aim to destroy everything and everyone. But beware: only in a pack he is really a danger! The flame-spitting demon is not only an excellent fighter, but also has the ability of empathy towards his fellow species and becomes an angry beast, if they are hurt too much.

-Immune against fire damage, can breathe fire.
-pack bonus
-Can do extremely fast sprints
-pack rage mechanics, similar to the Giga, the Akumu then attacks everything and everyone, but causes up to twice the damage. Raged one Akumu, raged the whole pack!!!


In the depths of the night lurks the perfect hunter! With teeth as sharp as razor blades and claws that make it impossible for his prey to escape from his clutches. With its agility, no obstacle is too high and no cliff too far. The Avesfeles moves very fast and can track enemies even in the darkest night. Its glowing eyes are said to have the ability to penetrate you with their gaze and can look into your soul. Be on your guard!

- Heat vision (can be de-/activated with X, costs Stamina)
- Fatal Blow (Right Click): Causes bleeding and slows, 15 seconds cooldown


The Stegoceratops is the ultimate farmer. Due to its simple gene sequence, it is possible to combine the two DNAs without the use of element. Thus, it can be produced even before the Tek Age and makes everyday life much easier.


This mysterious creature is said to be the warhorse of the angels. On land and in the air there is probably no nobler animal than him.

- can fly
- AOE Slow attack (C key), only works in the air


Take a kitsune and refine its DNA with the strength of a dragon and the power of fire. This allows the Kurashi to greatly increase his core temperature, setting himself and everything around him on fire. This effort heals him extremely quickly, but he is exhausted afterwards and must recover to avoid fainting. In addition, this little powerhouse has enormous strength and life energy! ATTENTION: The babies are very lively, please incubate and raise only indoors!

-Interchangeable precision mode with X - in precision mode dashing is extremely slowed down, but costs only 1/4 of stamina
- Ignites Cooldown 120 seconds
- Ignites stamina cost 7.5/second
- Ignites anesthesia 30 seconds
- Ignites duration 45 seconds
- Ignites minimum damage 24/sec
- Ignites maximum damage 200/sec


With the Kentrosaurus Rex, we have been able to successfully create a combination of carnivore and herbivore through long genetic research, which can thus adapt to all adversities and feed on almost anything. The combination of the attack strength of the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the defensive behavior of the Kentrosaurus through damage reflection makes it an absolute all-rounder. To stabilize the gene combination, the DNA of a Therris and a Stego is still needed.

- Damage reflection (based on dinosaur weight) 10%
- Roar can stun animals higher in level than the Kentrorex (up to 1.5x as high) and up to 600 dinosaur weight


Born from the flames of the Phoenix, an Ankylo hatches... Stop, that's not an Ankylo, is it? It's a super hybrid! What does that mean? To create this superhybrid, you need DNA from a hybrid. Through this complex recombination of DNA, he has special abilities. He is bigger and stronger than his ancestor, can mine vast amounts of metal and melt it instantly. Due to his increased attack damage, he makes his enemies look old and literally burst into flames.


The Kitsune is a cross between Managarmr and Rockdrake, as well as elements of Snowowl and Electrophorus. It is larger and stronger than the original Managarmr, and can make very long jumps without losing too much stamina. His lightning attack is a powerful weapon that provides the kitsune with new life force and weakens his opponents. He is the perfect all-rounder, whether on land, in the air or in the water! ATTENTION: The babies are very lively, please only hatch and raise them indoors!

- Changeable precision mode with X - in precision mode dashing is extremely slowed down, but costs only 1/4 of stamina


The Sanagi is a very special creature, which is in a stage somewhere in the development from caterpillar to butterfly. Its wings enable it to make very long jumps and cushion its fall so that it does not suffer any damage. Due to a special enzyme, which is produced exclusively in this stage of metamorphosis, he is able to excrete fertilizer instead of feces.


The spinoraptor is a cross between a spino and a raptor. Since the mutation has created gaps in the DNA, these must be filled by two additional DNA strands. This also gives the Spinoraptor very special characteristics. Besides the speed of the raptor on land and the speed and strength of the spino in the water, the spinoraptor gives its rider an isolation buff. If you sit on the animal, you also have unlimited oxygen. But beware: the Spinoraptor itself may very well run out of breath, although it lasts a very long time.


As the name suggests, this is a cross between Carno and Raptor. By combining the Raptor DNA, which is mainly responsible for the speed, and the Carno DNA, which significantly increases the strength, it is possible for the Carnoraptor to throw even larger animals to the ground and overwhelm them, as well as make his opponent bleed. Since the two DNAs are a perfect match, no element is needed for the connection.


The Ankylodocus is a cross between a Diplodocus and an Ankylo. This means that it is excellent at mining metal and flint. Since the DNA of a Doedicurus was used in the production, it is also a good stone farmer. So you get a big, fast land farm animal that can also defend itself very well.


The Thorajara is a very special hybrid. It is the result of a DNA recombination of the Tapejara and the Thorny Dragon. Also a little DNA of other dinos has been included to fill the gaps in the genome. Thus, a fludino with special abilities has been created. He is able to shoot razor-sharp spikes, both on the ground and in the air, and thus inflict enormous damage on his opponent. This damage is also armor piercing. Its strength and energy is also far superior to that of a Tapejara.

Muteki (aka Indominus Rex)

The Muteki is a fearsome mix of 7 different dinosaurs, making it one of the strongest current hybrids. This apex predator gets faster and stronger as it runs. With the infused Tusoteuthis DNA, he and his rider can completely merge with his surroundings, becoming invisible even to an infrared camera. In addition, the added Giganotosaurus DNA also makes him completely immune to their bleeding damage.

-Bite & Punch Attack
-Sprint & rush function
-Fear Aura if not Invisible scares away any wild animal under 500 Drag Weight.


The Stegarion is a calm and peaceful contemporary who wants to protect others. He achieves this through the many lives he has and his powers to create a shield of vines and plants that reduces incoming damage by 75%.

-Horn Attack
-Stomp Attack
-Deactivate/activate tendril tank
Activated Tendril Armor reduces all incoming damage by 75%.
Costs shielding which slowly refills (can be leveled).
No oxygen consumption. Shielding replaces oxygen.

Fukutsu (aka Indoraptor)

The Fukutsu is the little brother of the Muteki. This super hybrid is fast, incredibly strong and even stronger in a pack. Due to its small size, the Fukutsu is extremely nimble and light, allowing it to glide through the air a bit and climb walls at lightning speed. The Tusoteuthis DNA that gave the Muteki its invisibility has mutated through the burial of other DNA and is now responsible for the fact that the prey of the Fukutsu, through its infrared vision, can no longer hide from him even at night.

-Bite attack
-heat density
-Fear Aura if not Invisible scares away any wild animal under 149 Drag Weight.
-Pack Bonus incl. Pack Buff
-Causes bleeding damage
